
Device is the most sanitary products at the end of a step. If the fault in the link in the chain, home improvement process. Will undoubtedly affect the mood very much. Therefore, a good selection of bathroom products is very important.
  Misappropriation of trade marks is Zhenjiamobian real ones, fake flying today.

Very hard to detect.
Quality products prone to dig a price, confusion grade shoddy this phenomenon to buy wall, floor tiles, stone, paint, plates and other materials are often encountered in ordinary consumer is not knowledgeable. Buy home is second best, third-class products, and even the situation of defective products.

  Evade detection of mistaken Fraudulent use of test presentation and product specifications, unscrupulous businesses or selling imitation brand-name products. Under their own trademarks, to vigorously promote the fundamental failure to pass tests of products, sanitary ware industry has long been an open secret.

  Disregard disregard the relevant national standard specification shoddy production, some unscrupulous manufacturers do not understand the use of consumer materials expertise. Naturally the interests of consumers. For example, certain types of ceramic products, cylinder and plate thickness are clearly requires the manufacturer to produce the thickness of the lack of products, still openly sold in the market, consumers buy a home, use their ups and downs.

  Perpetrating a fraud profits
  Some surfing bathtub imported or joint venture banner signs, this phenomenon is mostly present in the foreign brands "and" quasi-foreign brands "on. Claimed that" all imported components "In fact, the key components of products such as electric system, they are fundamentally a voice called out to create"






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